I don't trust myself.
(Or rather, injuring my foot, or both feet. Damn people with heels!)
Last night was an awful lot of fun I have deprived myself of in a while now. Mostly everyone who came out last night got trashed/ really high on Bourbon (gotsta love pre-drinks!), Yagabombs, and Tequila (I had vodka too) shots. After my last tequlia shot, my vision started to blur, and I know I was talking on the phone at one point in the cold, but I don't quite remember what I said. Then I went back in and I had another shot, then the night was really kicking; non-stop dancing is hot. It was good to see some familiar faces at Rheka's party (she booked out Shamiana for her birthday celebrations), and me and Kev now have a pact for some Barcadi 151s during Easter! Cam-whored a whole lot as usual, and here are some memorable (or not) snapshots of the night:

TGIF (Thank God It was Friday) really, because that means another week has come to a close. Hot because I met up with Mich to do some serious shopping at DFO (Nine West is having this crazy sale - AUD49 for EVERY pair of shoes there! Mich got 3 pairs, and I got 2.). We met up at 4-ish because Friday means late night shopping! Then from there we went for dinner and she came up to my place to chill for a bit. We have some awesome plans for this coming weekend, and that includes a DVD marathon and sleepover, a massive Girlie Night In for the both of us. Alcohol totally not included. And so not glad it's Saturday (although that means 8days more!! My excitment really betrays itself sometimes.) cos I have sooo not started on my essay which is due Thurs! ARGH!

And they really have to do construction at 8.30 AM on a Saturday morning. Groans.
//edit @ 2011.
Every day I'm reminded of how hard this is.