I always get burnt.
It was nicely warm yesterday! And after class, Sonz and me sat out on the lawn waiting for dinnertime.
Ahh. Tranquility in the middle of a stressfreeful environment. Also, this made me smile:
Spongebob 'shrine' in some HK novelty shop.

Ahh just the simple pleasures (such as finding an old picture I randomly took, refer above) that make my day. I can be so simple-minded sometimes. Simplicity makes me look forward to this Weekend no less, too - this weekend is gonna be huge! Friday night we're heading down to Southbank to try eve out (apparently it's quite the bomb, if reviews from last week is anything to go by), and Saturday is St. Patrick's Day!! Yay!! The one day in 365 days to wear green, get drunk, and be merry (I heard this quote in first year, from my first experience of St. Paddy's)! Oh and on Sunday if the weather permits, we're having a picnic in the park so I can play with D's doggies! And it's the Thai new year (Song Kran) on Sun as well, so that means foodfair at Fed Square!
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