Thursday, March 22, 2007

Cognitive dissonance...

... occurs when you are forced into doing something with "insufficient justification" and motivation. Contrary to popular belief however, instead of getting bored and hating said task, a person can emerge promoting a new (and positive) attitude towards what they previously considered unpleasant! However, task compliance has to be somewhat voluntary for this effect to be produced.

Trivia for the day. :)

And it is simply comforting enough to just walk into Supre and Sportsgirl to look at clothes. So today was my first (of many more to come!) trip to Supre since I've been back. Today also marks the day I took my rice cooker out of the cupboard, cooked rice and experimented with beef to make bulgogi soup. Mmm, it tasted a little blend, but I guess I didn't marinate the beef long enough for it to soak up the tastes. Oh well, I'm still quite the perfect housewife, considering I cook, clean and wash. Haha, yes yes, I know - self praise is no praise!
On a totally irrelevant note, horoscopes is flavour of the week! Loves it!
"Even when confronted with irrefutable evidence of the foolhardiness of their ways, Leos can stubbornly cling to bad relationships and wrong ideas because their egos simply will not allow them to admit being wrong."
Well, considering I put that here, you can tell I will admit that much.

And look at what J found out (as if he needed confirmation! =P):
"(Librans are) concerned with diplomacy and balance. (They) hate any sort of argument or disruption to the peace, and will go to great lengths to maintain that calm. Leo is different: they have an ‘in your face’ attitude and like to call a spade a shovel, even if that unsettles the status quo."
So true, it's freaky! J's always the peacemaker and I'm almost always spoiling for a fight. Baa baa black sheep.

And no one loves me like you, no one loves me the way you do.


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