Monday, March 26, 2007

CAUTION: Mood Swings, 50M Ahead.


Mich and me had lunch at KFC on Flinders, and it is THE worst KFC ever! Isn't KFC supposed to be fast food or something? Well, I had to wait like half an hour just to order, and bitch took another 15minutes putting like 2 burgers, 2 pack of fries and 2 Fantas into bags. Talk about slow service! A guy even remarked, "Oh, yeah. Take your time!" from behind the queue. The ratio between her and the other servers was seriously an alarming 5: 1. Okay I didn't wanna say this, but Baneet, why don't you go work in a restaurant where you can take your own sweet time serving. I don't know what her name means, but probably I-am-slow in some language. Look, I didn't mean to be so bitchy but you just don't mess with hungry people and their food okay! So there, bad start to my day. And Bridge Road barely cheered me up - I only returned with a satin tube top and another top that is exactly one I wanted at TopShop (but put back cos it was under 'Maternity' then). Oh, and a grey long cardigan which cheered me up immensely cos it kept me warm. Finally! Something of use!

And then, welcome to Bitchiness Central, operational once a month. Right here, you can witness Ena laughing, crying, bitching (if you're lucky it can occur all at once in an explosive combustion!). Yes, once every month I feel absolutely worthless, to the point where I feel that nobodyandnothing can savage the situation. Once every month I feel like my parents (and friends) expect too much out of me, more than I can give, and what I give I give wearily. Once every month I snap at almost everything J says, and I become incredibly sarcarstic towards him. Once every month I need to get over myself. But then after the terrible first (or second) day (huge sigh for everyone cos I only throw a prissy fit for a maximum of 2 days within this) period), everything goes back/ feels like normal again and I forget who I was the day before; it's like I'm a superhero with split personalities or something! But then again, I have never been able to function properly within normalcy like most people can, because I am too cautious, always on cue to see something fall apart. Because I believe that there's a closet anarchist in every one of us, laboriously building things up just to watch them fall.

Yes, I'm negative and cynical, and that's who I am everyday. For that, I blame Chuck Palahniuk and Fight Club. And people like Carlo Emilio Bonferroni who make my life so miserable.


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