Sunday, March 11, 2007

"In America, they're 'bling-bling'. Here, it's 'bling-bang'."

Melbourne can be so dodgy sometimes, what with dark tiny alleys and random people who are either:
  1. drunk,
  2. homeless,
  3. crazy, OR
  4. all of the above*
roaming its streets. Today was an exceptionally crowded day in the city, and I do suppose it's because tomorrow's Labour Day (a public holiday which Melb Uni does not honour! *groans*) The trams were packed to the brim and I was left standing on the edge at the door. As if that wasn't miserable enough, this stupid insistent guy kept stepping on my toes, and simply refused to get off the tram when there obviously wasn't enough space for a big man like himself. Huff! So there, lesson learnt - never go out (if you have to take public transport) during long weekends as such! That being said though, today was a pretty good day; I finished up my very dreadful Research Methods (stats!! gah!) homework assignment, and I actually made it out of the house to catch Blood Diamond (which was pure awesomeness, and words cannot do it justice) at Jam Factory on Chapel.

The acting was superb, especially by Djimon Hounsou, who plays Solomon. Actors like him really get less credit than they deserve, which is sad. I was highly impressed by Leonardo's acting too, cos I really couldn't care less about what Jack does (or doesn't do) with his acting career. Leo really has evolved! The movie made me cry near the end, when Danny learns to give up the pink diamond..and also when I realised that there is really no hope left for him (thanks J, for informing me of the 'outcome' beforehand). Despite what I knew, I was still praying that he would survive! But of course not - movie endings don't change just because you watch it in a different country. =/ And majorthanks to Tom who made me watch this, otherwise I would never; I am still so disturbed/ affected by the movie *roar*.

Speaking of the long weekend, we headed on down to Moomba last night, and fireworks never fail to impress.

This says 'Moomba' the other way around.
Not the best pictures, because we were too near and it was too smoky!

They had candy floss as well!
Cool Sh*t! Lemonade Stand!

Trying to win a toy however, was quite a different story; 20bucks and 6 attempts fail me - no Bob the Builder this year :(.
I stole Tash's Bart cos I didn't win a toy myself. =P

Chaos owns me though! After the first 4 rounds or so, it just went crazy flipping us upside down that I wasn't sure if I was the right side up or upside down anymore! It went on for what seemed like eternity...
Yeah we're there! Somewhere...
I had a hard time keeping my chain from falling out. You can see why (hint: speed).
Yes! Chaos owns me!
At Loop. In the absence of alcohol, we busy ourselves, really.

PS: No more diamonds for me... NOT. Unless they're conflict-free, of course. ;)


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