Smile even though your heart is breaking.
Mom arrives! Lunch was yumcha @ Westlake and then dinner was Oriental Spoon at La Trobe. Well-fed = joy. :)

Mom arrives! Lunch was yumcha @ Westlake and then dinner was Oriental Spoon at La Trobe. Well-fed = joy. :)

And then at night after a yummilicious home-cooked dinner, I met Ashley and Dani for Ocean's 13, which I really, really enjoyed!

Brought Mom to St. Kilda's Sunday Esplanade Market because she loves stuff like that and we got me a gorgeous Silk orange lamp for my new room!
Mom's always wanted to go to Miss Marples because of all the travel programs she watches back home so yesterday, I fulfilled her wish and drove her up Dandenong; we got lost along the way and took an extra 20mins to get up, because Mom completely forgot to rent a Melway! All we had were very brief instructions on how to get there (but not back!). Gah. Anyways it took about an hour up but well worth it because Miss Marples is apparently this famous quaint little cottage for tea (and Devonshire Scones). I mean, tea is one thing and tea tastes pretty much the same eveywhere but SCONES! God I have a neverending obsession with yummy scones and boy, was I satisfied yesterday!
(I'm kidding. This is out of commission.)
I tried to stop along a couple of parks along the way (Mom loves flowers and stuff) but winter season means everything's dull and barren. Gah. Hence we headed home. Without a map. Got back to the city after 80 mins or so. Not fun driving in the dark in Melbourne!! I hate the lightlessness of Melbourne highways although I do love being able to go at a 100km/hr legally. And Mom did not stop complaining that I drive too recklessly on bendy mountain roads bla bla bla (60km, 70km on long bends.. ok what!). She thinks I'm overly inspired by Initial D! Haha! Mom is really so full of nonsense sometimes, and today for instance, I told her I needed a smaller pillow for my camping trip and she went out and bought a AUD45 silk cushion-pillow thing. It is much smaller then my usual pillows but what the..???
I know that this world has changed us,
But do you think about me ever?
Do you think we belong together?
Labels: afternoon tea, dandenong, family, movies, roadtrips, scenic beauty, shopping
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